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    This library is shipped as es2015 modules. To use them in browsers, you'll have to transpile them using webpack or similar, which you probably already do.


    Ensure you have at least TypeScript 4.1 in your setup.

    Install via NPM

    npm i @react-nano/use-graphql

    Define Types

    Define your full types somewhere (i.e. all types and attributes that could possibly be requested, including their relations), for example:

    import { GraphGLVariableTypes } from "@react-nano/use-graphql";
    export interface ErrorDTO {
        message: string;
    export interface PostDTO {
        id: number;
        title: string;
        message: string;
        hits: number;
        user: UserDTO;
    export interface UserDTO {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        icon: string;
        age: number;
        posts: PostDTO[];
    export interface QueryUserVariables {
        id: string;
    // Also specify GraphQL variable types as a constant like this:
    const queryUserVariableTypes: GraphGLVariableTypes<QueryUserVariables> = {
        // These will be autocompleted (and are required) based on the type argument above
        // The values here are the only place where you still need to write GraphQL types.
        id: "String!",