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    It's possible to supply configurations both globally (via provider) and locally (as argument to your query/mutation hook). Both configurations have the same attributes, except that the local config has one additional property autoSubmit.

    Local Configuration

    Let's take a look at the local configuration first:

    export interface GraphQLConfig<TData, TError extends Record<string, any>, TVars> {
        /** The url to use. Defaults to "/graphql" if neither global nor local config specifies it */
        url?: string;
         * Called right before a request will be made. Use it to extend the request with additional information like authorization headers.
         * @param init The request data to be send.
        onInit?(init: RequestInit & GraphQLRequestInit): void;
         * Called on successful request with the result
         * @param context Information about the request
        onSuccess?(context: OnSuccessContext<TVars, TData>): void;
         * Called on server error
         * @param context Information about the request
        onError?(context: OnErrorContext<TVars, TError>): void;
         * Called when an exception happened in the frontend
         * @param context Information about the request
        onException?(context: OnExceptionContext<TVars>): void;
    export interface GraphQLLocalConfig<TData, TError extends Record<string, any>, TVars extends VariableType>
        extends GraphQLConfig<TData, TError, TVars> {
        /** Specify to cause the request to be submitted automatically */
        autoSubmit?: TVars extends null ? true : TVars;
    • All of the properties are optional.
    • Specify autoSubmit if you want to send the request on component mount without having to call its submit function manually.
      • The value is expected to be true for requests without variables and a variable object otherwise.
    • Specify callbacks for certain events instead of watching the state object in a useEffect Hook.
      • The hook will always use the latest version of the callbacks.
      • If the component making the request has been unmounted, the callbacks will not be called.
    • Take a look at the hook description hook to see how to specify this config.

    Callback Context

    The context parameter has different properties depending on the callback:

    export interface CallbackContext<TVars> {
        /** The data you used to submit the request */
        inputData: TVars;
    export interface CallbackContextWithResponse<TVars> extends CallbackContext<TVars> {
        /** The status code of the request */
        status: number;
        /** The response headers headers of the request */
        responseHeaders: Headers;
    export interface OnSuccessContext<TVars, TData> extends CallbackContextWithResponse<TVars> {
        /** The result of the query/mutation */
        data: TData;
    export interface OnErrorContext<TVars, TError> extends CallbackContextWithResponse<TVars> {
        /** The errors the server returned for the query/mutation */
        errors: TError[];
    export interface OnExceptionContext<TVars> extends CallbackContext<TVars> {
        /** The error that was thrown. */
        error: Error;

    Global Configuration

    You can specify a global configuration by wrapping your app content in a provider:

    function MyApp {
        return (
            <GraphQLGlobalConfigProvider value={{
                onInit(init) {
                    init.headers.set("authorization", token);
                onException(error) {
                    console.log("Exception during GraphQL request", error);
                ...The app content

    As said, the only difference between local and global configurations is the autoSubmit property in local configurations.

    • This means, that you can specify the url globally, but you can override it locally if you need to.
    • Callbacks on the other hand will run both globally and locally.
      • Keep in mind, that some of the types are different for each query/mutation, so you'll have to manually cast the data if you need access to it.
      • Most common scenarios for using the callbacks globally:
        • Adding authorization headers to the request
        • Logging and/or showing toast messages on success/error/exception events
      • Just as with local callbacks: If the component making the request has been unmounted, the callbacks will not be called.