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    Hook Builder

    Specifying a Query or Mutation

    The graphQL builder pattern helps you to define a query or mutation hook, which can then be used in your component.

    The first thing you do is define the type (query or mutation) and its name like this:


    const useUserQuery = graphQL
        .query<UserDTO, ErrorDTO>("user")
        // ... see next steps


    const useUpdateUserMutation = graphQL
        .mutation<Partial<UserDTO>, ErrorDTO>("updateUser")
        // ...see next steps

    As you can see, graphQL.query and graphQL.mutation also require two type arguments to be specified:

    • The full type that could be returned by the server if all fields had been selected
    • The error type that would be returned by the server in case of an error (the non-array form).

    Specifying Variable Types

    After that you can optionally specify variable types for this query/mutation:

        // ...see previous step
        // ...see next step

    See setup for the definition of queryUserVariableTypes.

    Creating the Hook

    The final step is to create a hook, which can then be used in your components.

    • If your request returns a primitive or an array of primitives like number, string or string[], you obviously can't select any fields, so createHook takes no arguments.
    • Otherwise the first (and only) argument is an object with true for each attribute and an object for the relations you want to get returned (similarly to a GraphQL query string):

    Non-primitive return type

        // ...see previous steps
            // These properties will be autocompleted based on the first type argument of the query call above
            name: true,
            icon: true,
            posts: {
                id: true,
                title: true,
                hits: true,

    Primitive return type

        // ...see previous steps


    Here are two full examples:

    Complex Type With Variables

    import { graphQL } from "@react-nano/use-graphql";
    // See "Setup" section for these types
    import { UserDTO, ErrorDTO, queryUserVariableTypes } from '../types';
    // No need to write the query as string. Write it in TypeScript and get autocompletion for free!
    const useUserQuery = graphQL
        .query<UserDTO, ErrorDTO>("user")
            // These properties will be autocompleted based on the first type argument of the query call above
            name: true,
            icon: true,
            posts: {
                id: true,
                title: true,
                hits: true,

    Primitive Type Without Variables

    import { graphQL } from "@react-nano/use-graphql";
    const useUserNamesQuery = graphQL.query<string[], ErrorDTO>("userNames").createHook();