Class UndoManager

The UndoManager keeps track of all editables.


  • UndoManager



edits: UndoableEdit[] = []
limit: number
listener: null | (() => void) = null
position: number = 0
unmodifiedPosition: number = 0


  • Parameters

    • limit: number

    Returns void

  • Returns

    true if there is anything to be redone (only significant edits count)

    Returns boolean

  • Returns

    true if there is anything to be undone (only significant edits count)

    Returns boolean

  • Get the maximum amount of editables to remember

    Returns number

  • Test if there is anything to be saved

    Returns boolean

  • Redo the next significant edit. This will redo all insignificant edits up to the edit to be redone.


    Error if no edit can be redone.

    Returns void

  • Set the maximum amount of editables to remember. The new limit will be applied instantly.


    • value: number

      The maximum amount of editables to remember

    Returns void

  • The listener will be called when changes have been done (adding an edit, or undoing/redoing it)


    • listener: null | (() => void)

      The new callback or null to remove the existing one.

    Returns void

  • Mark the point when the data has been saved.

    Returns void

  • Test to see the new position after an redo would happen.


    False if no significant edit can be redone. Otherwise the new position.


    • position: number

      The start position

    Returns number | false

  • Test to see the new position after an undo would happen.


    False if no significant edit can be undone. Otherwise the new position.


    • position: number

      The start position

    Returns number | false

  • Undo the last significant edit. This will undo all insignificant edits up to the edit to be undone.


    Error if no edit can be undone.

    Returns void

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