Class UndoableEditAbstract

The base class for undoables


  • UndoableEdit



  • A significant edit is worthy to be saved and to be displayed to the user as undoable. A typical insignificant edit would be if two edits got merged into one, ending up with the original. Another example is when selection changes have been done, which don't change the data.


    true if the edit was significant

    Returns boolean

  • Try to merge a new edit into an existing one. This can be used to merge smaller edits into larger edits. For example a text editor can merge multiple changes into one, rather than having one edit per character change.


    true if the edit was merged, false otherwise


    Returns boolean

  • This action re-applies the changes of the edit.

    Returns void

  • Try to replace an existing edit with a new one


    true if this edit should be replaced with the new one, false otherwise


    Returns boolean

  • This action reverts the changes of the edit.

    Returns void

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