# Family

Entities with the same set of components can be grouped in Family objects.

A Family is defined by:

  • A set of components the entity must have.
  • A set of components of which the entity must have at least one.
  • A set of components the entity cannot have.

# Obtaining a Family

You can obtain a Family by specifying the list of component classes the entities belonging to said family must (not) possess. This should satisfy most of your entity classification needs.

const family = Family.all(PositionComponent, VelocityComponent).get();

Imagine we want to group all entities that should be rendered. It certainly must have a position and either a texture or a particle system. Additionally, we need to make sure it is not invisible. These constraints can easily be represented the following way.

const family = Family.all(PositionComponent)
		.one(TextureComponent, ParticleComponent)

# Getting a List of Entities Which Belong to a Family

The EntityManager has the capability of providing the full collection of entities that match a specific family.

const entities = engine.entities.forFamily(family);

Usually you'd store the result in the attribute of an EntitySystem (the returned array will always be the same and as such up-to-date).

You can iterate over them either with a for of loop:

for (const entity of entities) {

But also using a classic loop:

for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; ++i) {
	const entity = entities[i];