Lightweight DOM Libraries

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    External Problems

    Some things are just out of scope for this library. Here you'll find some ideas what to do when you get to the point.

    (Dev-) Server

    tsx-dom-ssr doesn't provide a server and it never will. It's all about rendering the DOM.

    You can easily use fastify, express.js or similar. With nx you can easily set up a monorepo just like this one. It's even possible to easily set up simple hot reload functionality.


    It's currently not planned to support routing. Since this project is aimed at server-side-rendering, routing will happen with your server mostly. You can easily do routing yourself by providing a context and using that context to selectively render things.

    Adding Styles

    You can set inline-styles directly on the html elements in a css-in-js ish way. I wouldn't recommend it though, since it drastically increases html size among other reasons.

    My recommendation is to use CSS-Modules (rendered as style tags), see the tsx-dom-ssr-demo project.

    • It increases the HTML size compared to linked styles, but:
    • It improves page rendering.
    • It only renders the styles actually used.
    • It avoids naming conflicts.
    • It works nicely with pre- & post-processors for webpack (for example scss).

    If you want some css-in-js approach (like styled-components), you'll have to implement that yourself for now. I'm open for suggestions, but that's currently not my focus on this project.

    Another alternative that might work is going for Tailwind. I haven't tried it yet, but I hear good things.

    🗲 AMP-Mode

    You want to create AMP compatible HTML?

    By doing querySelector on the DOM-nodes after rendering, you could easily search for nodes that are not allowed and then remove or replace them with an AMP version.

    React-Helmet Functionality

    Since everything is rendered into DOM, one can easily query the DOM and modify it. A simple implementation is provided in this monorepo with the dom-helmet library.


    You can use the (experimental) AbortController and a setTimeout(). Error-boundaries can be used to catch the errors caused by the abort.

    Fast Page Transitions

    Try scatman, swup, @hotwired/turbo or barba.js

    Client-Side Code

    Try using custom-elements as shown with the project tsx-dom-ssr-demo. You can use an SPA framework for the clientside code, but I strongly recommend to take a lightweight approach on client code. Otherwise you might as well just use any of the existing SPA frameworks, that support SSR.