Lightweight DOM Libraries

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    Functional Components

    Similar to React, you can have functional components with properties:

    interface ButtonProps {
      text: string;
    function Button({ text }: ButtonProps) {
      return <button class="my-button">{text}</button>;
    const child = <Button text="Click me" />;

    With Children

    Of course, you can also pass down children:

    import { BaseProps } from "tsx-dom-ssr";
    interface ButtonProps extends BaseProps {
      variant: "primary" | "secondary";
    function Button({ variant, children }: ButtonProps) {
      return <button class={`my-button my-button-${variant}`}>{children}</button>;
    const child = <Button variant="primary">Click Me</Button>;

    Arrow Functions

    Of course, you can also use arrow functions. There's a type FC to help with that:

    import { BaseProps, FC } from "tsx-dom-ssr";
    interface ButtonProps extends BaseProps {
      variant: "primary" | "secondary";
    const Button: FC<ButtonProps> = ({ variant, children }) => (
      <button class={`my-button my-button-${variant}`}>{children}</button>
    const child = <Button variant="primary">Click Me</Button>;

    Async Functions

    And of course the big benefit of tsx-dom-ssr is to be able to render things asynchronously:

    async function TodoList() {
      const todos = await fetchTodos();
      return (
          { => (
    const child = <TodoList />;