# Further Examples

# Configure Store

You might be used to a configureStore method from libraries like deox. tsrux does not provide one for a good reason: There are already projects out there providing these. Depending on your other libraries you might already have one.

Here are some references:

# Combine Reducers

tsrux is compatible with combineReducers from redux.

# Create Store

tsrux is compatible with createStore from redux.

# Redux Saga

tsredux is compatible with redux-saga and reduces boilerplate code here as well:

import { ActionOf } from "tsrux";
import { addTodo } from "./actions";

function* todosSaga() {
  yield takeEvery(addTodo.type, addTodoSaga);

function* addTodoSaga(action: ActionOf<typeof addTodo>) {

# Redux Thunk

No special knowledge required to use redux thunk with tsrux.