
Typesafe and painless action creators and reducers for redux.

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Writing redux code should be simple and fun. With tsrux you can skip writing boilerplate code and focus on the task.


You use TypeScript to have code-completion and type-safety? Great! tsrux detects all the types for you, so you don't have to write them!


Tired of packages having lots of dependencies making your project huge? tsrux only weighs 300 Bytes and has no dependencies.

# Example: Actions Creators

// No payload:
export const fetchTodos = actionCreator("TODOS/FETCH");
// With payload:
export const addTodo = actionCreator("TODOS/ADD", (label: string) => ({ label }));
// With payload and metadata:
export const removeTodo = actionCreator(
    (id: number) => ({ id }),
    (id: number) => ({ metaId: id, foo: "bar" }),

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# Example: Reducers

export const todosReducer = mapReducers(initialState, (handle) => [
    handle(addTodo, (state, action) => ({
        list: [...state.list, { id: state.nextId, label: action.payload.label, checked: false }],
        nextId: state.nextId + 1,

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