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    Additional Types

    Some convenience types are included for the rare case where you do need to write types.

    Prefer typeof

    In a lot of situations you can get the types using typescripts typeof keyword.

    For example, if you want to get the type of an actionCreator:

    type AddTodoActionCreator = typeof addTodo;


    type ActionOf<TActionCreator extends ActionCreator<any, any, any>>

    This can be used to determine the Action type by inspecting an action-creator:

    type AddTodoAction = ActionOf<typeof addTodo>;


    Use this type if you need to manually define the type of an action:

    type Action<TType extends string, TPayload = undefined, TMeta = undefined>


    type AnyAction

    Any action can be assigned to this type.


    type ActionCreator<
        TType extends string,
        TAction extends Action<TType, any, any>,
        TParams extends any[] = any[]

    This describes the type of an action creator. It is mostly for internal use.