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    Reducers apply your actions to the state.

    Initial State

    First, you'll need to create an initial state. Some typing might be required here, some can be infered:

    import { mapReducers } from "@react-nano/tsrux";
    // Some types, you obviously still need
    interface TodoEntry {
      id: number;
      label: string;
      checked: boolean;
    const initialState = {
      list: [] as TodoEntry[],
      nextId: 0,
    // Some types you can infer from a variable
    export type TodoState = typeof initialState;

    Handle Actions

    When using mapReducers(), you don't need to define any more types!

    • This function is used to create a reducer for multiple actions.
    • It receives the initial state and a callback.
      • The callback is used to set up action handlers and returns an array of action handlers.
    export const todosReducer = mapReducers(initialState, (handle) => [
      // handle(actionCreator, reducer) helps you define a reducer responsible for one single action.
      // Both state and action know their types without needing to manually specify them!
      handle(addTodo, (state, action) => ({
        list: [...state.list, { id: state.nextId, label: action.payload.label, checked: false }],
        nextId: state.nextId + 1,
      handle(setTodoChecked, (state, action) => ({
        list: state.list.map((todo) => {
          if (todo.id === action.payload.id) return { ...todo, checked: action.payload.checked };
          return todo;
      handle(removeTodo, (state, action) => ({
        // Complains about next line: payload does not have an attribute named "ID"
        list: state.list.filter((todo) => todo.id !== action.payload.ID),