# EntityConfig and Context

As you saw in the componentFactory.ts, we need to define two types: SampleEntityConfig and SampleContext,

Here's an example of how they might look like:

# src/types.ts

import type { PositionConfig } from "./components/PositionComponent";
import type { SpriteConfig } from "./components/SpriteComponent";
import type { PickupConfig } from "./components/PickupComponent";
import type { CameraFocusConfig } from "./components/CameraFocusComponent";

 * We need a type to define the possible composition of an entity.
 * In other words, what components an entity might have and what values should be used for the component configurations.
export type SampleEntityConfig = {
    // The keys here will be used when setting up the component factories.
    Position?: PositionConfig;
    Sprite?: SpriteConfig;
    Pickup?: PickupConfig;
    CameraFocus?: CameraFocusConfig;

 * Context is a custom object that can be passed to the component factories (as a second parameter).
 * This could, for example, be (or contain) an asset manager.
 * For the sake of this simple demo, one simple property will suffice.
export type SampleContext = {
    defaultCameraFocusWeight: number;

You can pass anything you'd like to component factories. Just make sure you have a type for it.