Lightweight DOM Libraries

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    Supported Tags

    Head Tags

    • All elements matching html > body head will be moved into html > head.
    • Duplicates will be removed if not within the same (false) head element:
      • Tags: title, base, meta, link, script (with src attribute) and any tag with a matching id attribute
    • Finally the false head elements will be removed.

    Body Tags

    • All elements matching html > body body will be moved into html > body.
    • Attributes from these false body tags will be transferred to html > body
      • Classes and styles will be appended, other attributes will replace the previous value.
    • Finally the false body elements will be removed.

    HTML Tags

    • Attributes from false html tags (matching html html) will be transferred to the root html element.
      • Classes and styles will be appended, other attributes will replace the previous value.
    • Finally the false html elements will be removed.

    Portals and Destinations

    Since it's all about transferring items from one place to another, here's a little bonus:

    • All elements matching html > body helmet-portal will be moved to a respective html > body helmet-destination.
    • For example, the <helmet-portal to="my-target"> element will transfer its children to a respective <helmet-destination id="my-target"> element.
    • Duplicates will be removed if not within the same helmet-destination element:
      • Any tag with a matching id attribute
    • If a matching helmet-destination element is not found, the children will stay at their original location.
    • Both <helmet-portal> and <helmet-destination> elements will disappear in the result, leaving only their children behind.