In order to subscribe to an SSE endpoint, you need to call useEventSource. After you have it, you can add listeners to it. Here's a simple example:
import { useEventSource, useEventSourceListener } from "@react-nano/use-event-source";
function MyComponent() {
const [messages, addMessages] = useReducer(messageReducer, []);
const [eventSource, eventSourceStatus] = useEventSource("api/events", true);
(evt) => {
return (
{eventSourceStatus === "open" ? null : <BusyIndicator />}
{ => (
This describes the entire API of the useEventSource hook:
// Create an EventSource
function useEventSource(
// The url to fetch from
url: string,
// Send credentials or not
withCredentials?: boolean,
// Optionally override the EventSource class (for example with a polyfill)
ESClass: EventSourceConstructor = EventSource
) => [
// The generated EventSource.. on first call, it will be null.
EventSource | null,
// The status of the connection can be used to display a busy indicator, error indicator, etc.
type EventSourceStatus = "init" | "open" | "closed" | "error";
This describes the entire API of the useEventSourceListener hook:
// Add a listener to the EventSource
function useEventSourceListener(
// The EventSource from the above hook
source: EventSource | null,
// The event types to add the listener to
types: string[],
// A listener callback (use e.type to get the event type)
listener: (e: EventSourceEvent) => void,
// If one of the dependencies changes, the listener will be re-added to the event types.
dependencies: any[] = []
) => void;