
A mocking toolkit leveraging the power of TypeScript to enhance your jest experience.

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Writing mocks should be simple and fun. With mockzilla you can skip writing manual mocks of deeply nested APIs and focus on writing tests.


You use TypeScript to have code-completion and type-safety? Great! mockzilla uses the types you have to ensure a pleasant experience!

Good Errors

Errors should point to where the errors come from. mockzilla will give you hints on where you expected calls and where they actually happened.

This is a Work In Progress! The API might change before version 1.0 is released.

# Features

# Example: Web-Extensions

This is an example of how a deep mock with mockzilla looks like:

import type { Browser } from "webextension-polyfill";
import { deepMock } from "mockzilla";

const [browser, mockBrowser, mockBrowserNode] = deepMock<Browser>("browser", false);

jest.mock("webextension-polyfill", () => browser);

describe("Web-Extension Helpers", () => {
    beforeEach(() => mockBrowserNode.enable());

    afterEach(() => mockBrowserNode.verifyAndDisable());

    describe("getActiveTabs()", () => {
        it("should return active tabs", async () => {
            const tabs: any[] = [{id: 1}, {id: 2}];
            mockBrowser.tabs.query.expect({ active: true }).andResolve(tabs);

            expect(await getActiveTabs()).toEqual(tabs);

    describe("onBeforeRedirect()", () => {
        it("should register a listener and return a handle to remove the listener again", () => {
            const listener = jest.fn();
            mockBrowser.webRequest.onBeforeRedirect.addListener.expect(listener, expect.anything());

            const removeListener = onBeforeRedirect(listener);
